

Page history last edited by Bernardo Heynemann 18 years, 5 months ago

BHAL Project Home Page / FAQ /



Why are you doing this project?

Because I need this functionality and it doesn´t exist currently. And since it won´t for a long time (as I was told by the VSTS developers) I decided to take action.


What is this project?

Please read the BHAL Project Home Page for a general view of the project, but be sure to check the Vision Statement, Features and Requirements pages.


How much this is going to cost?

Nothing. It´s absolutely free-of-charge and I´ll be using the Shared Source Permissive License (SS-PL). You can read more about it in the Licensing page.


Do you need help? I´d like to join this awesome project!

Actually I need all the help I can get. If you´d like to be in the BHAL Project Team, just leave a message on the Applications Forum.


When will it be released?

This is an agile project and as so we´ll be releasing often, but very small releases that are called iterations.


I need feature XYZ? Will it be on the next iteration?

Please advise that iteration planning is ultimately decided by the project coordinators, but of course we´ll take response from the community into account when choosing the next features to include in an iteration. You can check what features are going to be in each iteration in the Iterations page.


Where can I download the files for this project?

As the project is hosted on CodePlex, the logical place for them to be is there. But we´ll keep a list of the latest files of the project here in the wiki in the Downloads page. If you wish to know if a determined feature you´d like is implemented check the Features page.


If you have any more questions please feel free to e-mail me, contact me in my blog or leave a comment here.

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