

Page history last edited by Bernardo Heynemann 18 years, 3 months ago

BHAL Project Home Page / Documentation / Requirements /




Req# Description Implemented CodePlex Link
LIB1 Create WorkItem Custom Action Yes Check it out
LIB2 Update WorkItem Custom Action No Check it out
LIB3 Close WorkItem Custom Action No Check it out
LIB4 Reopen WorkItem Custom Action No Check it out
LIB5 Retrieve WorkItem Custom Action No Check it out
WFD1 Create the Data Model for Projects and Customers Yes
WFD2 Create the Data Objects for Projects and Customers Yes
WFD3 Create the Unit Tests for Projects and Customers No
WFD4 Create the Form for Managing Projects and Customers No
QUA1 Create the Test Cases for Login Management Yes
QUA2 Create the Test Cases for Projects Management No
QUA3 Create the Test Cases for Customer Management No
QUA4 Create the Test Cases for User Management No
QUA5 Create the Test Cases for Role Management No
QUA6 Create the Test Cases for Resource Allocation Management No
ARC1 Create the MVP Architecture for Login Yes Check it out
SIT1 Allow administrator to specify Views No
SIT2 Allow administrator to associate workflows to Project/Area No
SIT3 Allow end users to start new instances of selected workflows No
SIT4 Enable the concept of Inbox for the end users No
SIT5 Allow the administrator to view the inbox of any other user No
SIT6 Display a report on the times that each activity took on the workflow No
SIT7 Display a report on the time that the users entered in the timetracking application No
SIT8 Display a report comparing the two other reports No
APP1 Enable end users and developers to track time spent on activities No
APP2 Enable end users to use a timer to start and stop time tracking of an activity No
APP3 Display currently assigned activities to the user. No
APP4 Display notifications of status updates on workflow instances that the user is expected to do something No
APP5 Allow users to choose an object model and query to create an inbox Yes Check it out
WCF1 Services the Workflows that the administrator specified (via Workflow libraries) to The Website No
WCF2 Services the Workflows that the administrator specified (via Workflow libraries) to The Messenger-Style Application No


These requirements will all be planned into iterations. You can check iterations out in the Iterations page.

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